Today was the day that all the books that students had out were due back. I think I filled the books to be returned cart 3 times. Books, and books and books. It took me my whole 3 hour work day to put all these books away. The blue book ends are all the ones I had to pull from the shelves to make room for all the books. I also had to shift the shelves often. I am surprised that I am not feeling sore today. I know that there will be more books tomorrow, but it won't be as bad. I'm hoping to get some books relabeled. It was a day one, and there was one class today, but I didn't have to check out any books. No more checking out books. Just checking in and putting away. I'm not sure everything will get done. But I will do my best. We will see how many books there will be waiting for me. It's hard to believe that the school year is over. My children are definitely ready for summer break. I hope to take a lot of photo's. This weekend we go to the beach. I'm hoping someday to get the perfect beach photo. Then I will frame it and put it up in our house somewhere.
What are they going to do without you? Who will be shelving all those books? Sure, they can get rid of people, but who does their jobs for them when they're gone?