Tuesday, June 4, 2024

I wont fly southwest next time I go to New Jersey.

I just got home from vacation, the next few blog post 
will be about what I learned on vacation 
and the what we did on vacation.
I decided I didn’t want to drag a suitcase around the 

Airport so I took out our large suitcase and packed for my trip. Of course Dynamite had to help.
I left room to bring items home.

Little bird, and my camera fit in a backpack that 
I took on the plane.

Our first flight went really well.
Our second flight we got on the plane 
and then got off the airplane. We ended up being 
4 hours late to arrive. Ugh 😑.

We rented a car from Avis.  It had really good 
gas mileage. On our whole week long trip we only 
Gassed up once.

Southwest Airlines doesn’t have flights going from 
Salt Lake City to New Jersey.
I had tons of flight points so I had us fly into New York City.🏙️ 
Unfortunately we got into the wrong lane 
Going through the Holland tunnel.
There is no way to get into the correct lane.

So we got lost in New York City.

It was an adventure. 

Not one I want to experience again.

Thank goodness for phones that 
Direct and redirect you when you get lost.

Finally we got to New Jersey. 
Our first stop was Dominic’s pizza 🍕.
While I like flying on Southwest Airlines,
If I go to New Jersey again I will choose a 
different airline.  


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