Saturday, May 25, 2024

Little bird goes to the Tulip festival.

The month of April is Tulip festival time at
the thanksgiving point gardens. So I took little adventure 
bird to see the tulips. The above photo has been photoshopped.  It makes me giggle šŸ¤­ to look at it.

The tulips are bigger than little bird.
He likes standing in the middle of them.

There are thousands of tulips at
the tulip festival. We like going to the fragrance garden.
They have many of the tulips with their names.

This is pretty.

It’s amazing all the different colors and sizes of tulips.
We brought my parents when they came to visit.
My mom said she felt like she had visited Holland.

Which do you like better the close up photos or
The landscape photos?

There are rows on rows of tulips.

I like the tulips with the fringes on the edges of their leaves.

There are other flowers too.
Little bird liked this pot of flowers.

Look at how nice the gardens are kept 

While it’s nice to see all the tulips,
Sometimes it’s a little too crowded with people.
And I sometimes would rather go to a garden that 
Has lots of different plants.

I like the colors and textures of this photo.

I really like the color of this tulip.

This pathway of grape hyacinths is beautiful.

Wouldn’t you like to sit here and enjoy the flowers for awhile?
Hope you liked our tour of the tulip festival.


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