Tuesday, May 21, 2024

My little birding year May 20, 2024


It’s been a nice few days to get bird photos.
This is a tree sparrow.

The Heron babies are huge. I think they will leave the nest soon.

A long-billed curlew.  Part of the sandpiper family.

A black necked stilt.  
A white pelican.

A caspian turn. I like watching them fly around and dive for fish.

A pie-billed grebe with its babies. This was so fun to see.

A night heron. About to fly away because my husband started walking towards us.

A snowy egret. 

I love this photo of the yellow headed black bird. I like the texture of the branch it’s sitting on.

An American Avocet. It was in the road and at one point acting as if it was hurt.

A cliff sparrow. There were tons of these birds.

A gadwall. Who named birds? Some of the names are a bit strange. I have heard that some people want to rename them.

A red winged black bird.

A cinnamon teal. There were lots of these birds.

A kill deer.

A male pheasant. We saw quite a few of these, but 
They are shy, and run and hide pretty quickly.

A white faced ibis. There were lots of these birds.

A northern shoveler.

Canadian geese. They had a lot of babies.

A long tailed grackle. I like to watch these birds strut around.

The Clark grebes with their babies.  I love going to the lake and seeing them.
For a little birding year I feel I have been able to get some pretty nice photos.

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