He also liked looking at the farm equipment.
They use some big machines on farms.
Old farm trucks are cool.
The baby goats were very happy to visit with us.
They like to chew on everything.
A baby goat is called a kid.
Here is a baby sheep. A baby sheep is called a lamb.
I think he might be trying yoga with baby goat.
We could call this the kid pose.
Little bird felt right at home with the baby chickens.
They are so cute and fluffy.
He tried to convince us to buy some.
Sorry little bird they would make a mess of our house.
Here is a mother cow with its calf.
A mother horse with her foal.
There were baby animals everywhere.
We think this Alpaca got a bad haircut.

The chickens were busy scratching for food.
The baby goats were cute, it’s hard to think they grow up to be so big.
Here is a mother killdeer.
Hope you enjoyed the farm animal photos.
It was fun to visit a farm.
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