Friday, June 21, 2024

Sunset nature walk in the cove.

As the day was ending we went on a nature walk in 
the fisherman’s cove. All the time we lived in 
New Jersey we never walked back in this area.

It was very beautiful. We saw rabbits.

and birds. It was nice and cool.

We saw two deer.

Little bird found a nice place to perch.

There were flowers.

The path brings you to the inlet. Look
At all the huge boats.

There was a great egret.

Lots of gulls.

We found a little crab stuck on its back. We flipped it 
Over and helped it get back into the water.

A giant dead fish.  Maybe someone caught it?

A beautiful view.

Little bird enjoying the view.

 We collected some sea shells.
Then watched the sunset. 
Being in a different time zone was hard, 
By the time we felt hungry all the restaurants were closing.
Even though they say they are open until 10 pm,
Their kitchen closes at 9pm. I 
Will remember that for our next vacation.
Do you like collecting sea shells?


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