As I read about living without credit cards, one thing keeps coming up. That you will actually end up saving more by not using credit cards. Another thing that is important to the no credit card life is to have an emergency fund. One article I read said to start with having $1000.00 put away. I feel good as I've always had more than that, but now I really feel compelled to work harder at saving. Why because saving will help me not use credit cards, and not using credit cards will help me save even more.
One hard thing for me is that I work at a retail store. I see all the new clothes come in, and all the new stuff and my brain says "YOU NEED THAT." My goal for the month of March is to not buy anything at the store I work at. I'm thinking of taking a photo of my closet to remind me that I have enough clothes! Here is a link to a living without credit cards article that I recently read. I hope it helps to motivate you. Another thing I read was to make a budget every month. I have to say since our financial crisis of no jobs, I've been a bit scared to really write down the budget. But I am going to start again in March. I guess the fact that more was going out than coming in was hard to see. I have faith that this will turn around. Some how God is going to make this work as a blessing to us. I think in many ways I've learned a lot. I asked my husband on Sunday "Are you humble enough to listen to what God wants you to do?" It was something that came up in our Sunday lesson. That God sends trials to make us humble and ready to do what he wants us to do. I feel I've been brought to that point. Soon after I asked that question my husband was offered a job in Utah. This is the third time he has been offered the job. The first time I instantly said "No." I won't go there, I have what I want here. The second time my husband was the one who said no. Now we are both looking and saying maybe, maybe this is where we are supposed to be going. He may actually fly out in a few weeks and check out the situation. This is not an offer that has to be answered today. It is interesting to see how each time we become more open to the idea.
Love Song: If love was a river by Alan Jackson.
Moments of Joy:) Reading a good book, having time alone with my husband, sitting in the sun.
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