One thing flowers need to grow is sunshine. If you think of your family as a growing garden they too need the sunshine. I feel lately that I've been the sunshine in the house. I'm constantly trying to make sure there is warmth, and peace, and the feeling that things will be better for my family. I don't know why but so far it has not been a tiring thing to be the sun. I think some of it has to do with being able to leave the house and do other things. Then when I come back I can share my funny retail stories and say it will be
OK. I have noticed that my husband is beginning to believe this, he is sleeping better, and working harder to do better at home and work. I hope each day we can have more sunshine in our day and less storm.
I found this
interesting article on
living on a small income. It was good to read and I felt good that I'm on track. It also led me to find a great and funny rap song about tithing. I think my family

should learn it and do it at our next church talent show. What a laugh.
The tithing rap.The Love song of the day:
I believe in love by the
Dixie chicks.
Moments of Joy:) Being on the office board for achieving the monthly goals. Chatting with customers. Time spent sitting in the sun. Which is where I'm going right now.
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