Have you ever noticed that cats find a warm sunny spot curl up and sleep the day away. Well yesterday I found a warm sunny spot next to my cat, curled up and slept most of the day away. I also spent time meditating and praying. I called it my "BE STILL DAY." I have this very beautiful painting in my kitchen of a tree in a field in the winter on the bottom it says "BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I'M GOD." I decided to just do that. It was just wonderful. So I now have a new thing to do each week. Have a BE STILL time. I find I learn so much from my little cat as she lives in my house. She is a little furry angel.

I have been very busy this week with work, and then my passion of doing family history research. I've been working on my great, great, great grandparents line. The problem with me and family history is that every time I look for one person I find ten. So what was supposed to be a short project has become days of work. I find, then piece together and then put the people of my family puzzle together. I thought today I was almost done, only to find more pieces. Oh well it is a never ending project.
My son is being bullied on the bus again. Ugh. But I had to bring something to his school, so I mentioned it to the school secretaries. They had

him fill out a complaint form. I'm hoping since we jumped on this quickly it will end quickly. We at least had a few bully free years.
Come on over tonight (Sorry not the greatest you tube production.)by Brad Paisley.
Moments of Joy:) Being told I'm considered one of the best credit sellers at work. Having time to chat with customers and co-workers. Having three days off. Napping in the sun.
Thankful for:) Everything.
I'm so looking forward to the spring. I can't wait for the first flowers to peek out of the snow. Hope to get that caught on the camera.
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