What are you thankful for? I have so many things that I'm thankful for. This past Saturday morning I was thankful that it didn't snow again. I am thankful each time I make a goal at my new job. I'm thankful for my home and children. I'm thankful for the good health we have been having. I'm thankful that both my husband and I have jobs. I'm thankful that I prepared for the storm and that so far we have been weathering it. I'm thankful for the help of our church and friends as we move along a very new road. I'm thankful for the beauty of the world around me, the innocence of my children and their pure faith.
This Sunday at church we learned about having an Attitude of Gratitude. I felt so great during this lesson, because I know that I have always been a very thankful person. I am always sending out thank you cards, I'm always expressing my thanks. In fact some of what has been keeping me strong is the ability to be thankful for what I have. I list it out each day to the Lord. I thank people for helping me all the time. In the lesson we learned the more we express and are thankful for what we have the more it positively effects our mind, spirit and body. So if you are feeling down, think of all you have to be thankful for.

Dwell on that more than on those things you don't have or haven't mastered yet. See how it may change you. Then report back.
Here is an article about "An Attitude of Gratitude."
One way to keep from credit card use could be just being grateful for what you have and realizing you don't need to have so much more. Here is an article related being grateful for what you have.
My favorite song of the week has to be "This is the stuff that drives me crazy." But it is more for the message of stop thinking about those things, focus on the blessings. I also just love the beat. I've had fun dancing about the house with it.
My favorite song of the week has to be "This is the stuff that drives me crazy." But it is more for the message of stop thinking about those things, focus on the blessings. I also just love the beat. I've had fun dancing about the house with it.
love song's: Two people fell in love by Brad Paisely. "We Danced" This was the song that made me start listening to country music.
Moment of Joy:) Going to cat club with my daughter. Making my goals every day I worked. Thank you Heavenly Father. Playing with my cat. Visiting with a dear and good friend. Visiting a home bound friend and bringing some laughter to her life. Teaching the teens even though I had the wrong lesson. Being with my family.
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