I'm almost through with month two of no credit cards, and I can say, "It is not Impossible to live without credit cards."
I actually feel better each day as the mail arrives because I know there is no huge bill looming. My next goal is to slowly rebuild our depleted savings account. On that note I'd ask you to pray for my husband to make at least 20 hours a week at work. It would help us greatly if he could make enough hours so that we could cover all our bills. I have 23 hours this week and then 30 the next week. I have to say that God is still blessing us. It may not be in income, but we have had just the best health this winter. I feel it is a direct blessing from God for staying faithful despite our situation. My husband is half way through the Toyota online training. Once he is done that I think he may look for a new job. If you know anybody thinking of going into the automotive field, if they are young, and think this is the job for them, strongly advise them against it. It is just not my husband who is struggling, many many mechanics right now are struggling. There are many who are not making even 40 hours a week due to FLAT RATE pay. Many who get to be top mechanics get laid off because the companies do not want to pay them. They bring in young guys to take their place sacrificing good work with cheap work. As I go about and talk with people that I have met, it amazes me how many women are out working because their Mechanic husband just isn't making enough money anymore. Many of the auto shops that don't pay flat rate also are suffering in this economy. Plus the work is hard, and sometimes with the computer systems you can think you have solved a problem and have it not be solved. I have to say my husband most nights comes home after being at work for 9 to 10 hours feeling exhausted and beat up and only billing about 2-3 hours. So if you are looking to be a mechanic think: are you ready to work all day and be paid for less than half? You will certainly know what it is like to be a housewife if you are. So anyone thinking of this as a possible career think twice, you may find it's not the career you thought it was.
On another note my husband has been offered a job in Utah. He may fly out and see just what this all is about. I'm both excited and scared. I've felt since this fall that we were going to be moving, I just didn't know when or where. Could this possibly be what that feeling was about? It will be interesting to see how this all turns out. Pray for us.
LOVE SONG: The impossible probably not the song for Valentines day, but hits on many of my feelings of life lately. Things that seemed impossible to happen could just happen.
Another song that I need to revisit Dancing in the minefields. Love it.
Moments of Joy:) sleeping in the sun with my cat. My daughters 4-H cat show. She won 2nd place for showmanship against 9 others. Fries and milkshakes with my kids. Listening to my son play the violin. Having Valentines day off.
Thankful for:) EVERYTHING.
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