Here are the Hens and chicks on my front porch after their long ride.
Here are the Hens and Chicks planted in their new garden, far from Vermont.
I love the idea of taking a plant from someones garden and adding it to my garden. If these Hens and Chicks grow I will always have a piece of my mom's garden at my house. I also take rocks from Vermont and the beach and add them to my boarder.
Unemployment World: Today was kind of a busy day, even though I don't feel I did much. I spent time looking at job possibilities. Spent time waiting for my husband to come home from interviews. Spent time cleaning and watching my children and their friends. I spent time on my computer. I feel like I'm in this funk, and kind of a holding pattern too... Once my husband decides what job he will take, then I will know what hours I can work. Then I can feel comfortable applying to jobs. I don't want to apply for a job only to have my husbands job interfere. I'm a very honest person, and when I work for someone, I give 100%. I always have, and I don't like to feel like I can't do that. Sometimes I over think the whole thing, and I just feel absolutely sick. Then I stop and wonder "why am I so worried?" I think I miss the order of what our life used to be... I've gotten used to the order of both of us being unemployed only to have my husband have two job offers, and now I'll have to get used to his work schedule, and then the kids will go back to school, and then hopefully I will get a job. I really guess what I'm saying is that I'd like some stability in my life.... Is there stability in this world anymore? I'm so tired of the movement, the perpetual motion of change, I'd just like something to stay the same for longer than a moment. I'm not sure any of what I've just written makes any sense.... Sorry!
Also I have to say, I'm still very upset that I am not going back and working in the library this year. I'm sad that I don't get to go back and put up bulletin boards, and help organize things, and get to see all the kids. I'm still stuck in this business of being sad. It's one thing to lose a job you really didn't care much for, it's another to lose a job that you felt was just perfect for you. It still hurts and I wonder will I ever get over it? I think half my problem is that I can't see my way beyond what I've already lost to the potential of what I might get if I move forward...I'm not sure I know how to move forward. I wish I could be like the Hens and chicks and just have someone pick me up and put me somewhere and say here is where you should be now grow. I just don't know where that "here" place is. I just don't know where I fit anymore.
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