Here is a photo from a few years ago of my mum plants about a year after the first planting. My mother - in- law gave me the little ghost. This year my mum's are going to be so much bigger and take up the whole front garden box.
I just felt I needed some sort of photo. Since I'm not sure what a "Mope" looks like, when I saw this ghost I thought maybe. But the ghost is just too happy. Here is the story, perhaps someday I'll turn it into a children's story.
This morning a "Mope" came to my house with the little girl that I babysit. These creatures are one of the worst of imaginary beings one would want to have stuck to you. She walked in the door, sat down and began to cry. Now for some reason when you are under the influence of a "Mope" you are unable to tell anyone your reason for distress. They render you completely unable to answer questions, and make you cry and frown, and and not want to play. Breakfast sometimes helps you calm down, but the mere thought of having to do something a little hard will bring you back to tears.
The very awful thing about a "mope" is that it does not stay with the same person throughout the day. As one person begins to feel cheery, it looks for it's next victim and jumps onto them, not knowing that it has landed and is spreading its evil spell, the person falls under it's spell and begins to feel sad, and begins to cry and whine, and mope about. Again the person may know the reason for this but under the mopes evil spell is unable to articulate the cause. And as soon as that person begins to feel a bit happy, it hops to the nearest child that has not yet fallen under it's evil spell. Older children seem more able to articulate their mopiness, but still have a very hard time bouncing back to happiness. As my day came to an end, and all three children had been attacked at least twice with the "Mope", I hoped that as my son left for a scout activity that it would leave with him and find some new victim. But unfortunately in the car it must have gone back onto the little girl who brought it to my house in the first place, and so she was once more brought down into the world of Mopiness. As she left I made her promise that as she went out with her Mom that she would give that "Mope" away and not bring it back to my house tomorrow.
The definition of Mope:
mope (mōp)intransitive verb moped moped, moping mop·ing, mopes
a. To be gloomy or dejected.
b. To brood or sulk. See Synonyms at brood.
To move in a leisurely or aimless manner; dawdle.noun
A person given to gloomy or dejected moods.
mopes Low spirits; the blues. Often used with the.
Origin: Origin unknown.
Related Forms:
moper mopˈer noun
mopish mopˈish, mopˈey adjective
mopishly mopˈish·ly adverb
mope (mōp)intransitive verb moped moped, moping mop·ing, mopes
a. To be gloomy or dejected.
b. To brood or sulk. See Synonyms at brood.
To move in a leisurely or aimless manner; dawdle.noun
A person given to gloomy or dejected moods.
mopes Low spirits; the blues. Often used with the.
Origin: Origin unknown.
Related Forms:
moper mopˈer noun
mopish mopˈish, mopˈey adjective
mopishly mopˈish·ly adverb
My son moped at the pool this afternoon, and all the way home. Once home, I had to look up the word to make sure it was really a real word. Then I had to look up the word dejected, to tell him what that meant, and he said "Yes, that is how I feel..dejected. I had no one to play with at the pool :( Definition of dejected: gloomy and lacking hope, especially because of disappointment
Synonyms: despairing, despondent, discouraged, crestfallen, depressed, disconsolate, doleful, downcast, morose, melancholy, miserable
Antonyms: exhilarated, cheery
Tips: Dejected comes from the Latin word dejectus, "to throw down." If you are dejected, some event has "thrown you down" from a good mood into a bad one. But the word implies more than mere unhappiness; it also carries a connotation of extreme sadness because of hopelessness.
Synonyms: despairing, despondent, discouraged, crestfallen, depressed, disconsolate, doleful, downcast, morose, melancholy, miserable
Antonyms: exhilarated, cheery
Tips: Dejected comes from the Latin word dejectus, "to throw down." If you are dejected, some event has "thrown you down" from a good mood into a bad one. But the word implies more than mere unhappiness; it also carries a connotation of extreme sadness because of hopelessness.
Now here is my next question is there a definition for Ject? In college I took this great course called "ETYMOLOGY" and you learned how words are made and how to break them down. You know there are so many words with Ject in them. Deject, Reject, Eject, abject.... can you think of one? So that is what I guess I'm off to learn. Sorry for the silliness. I guess if I'm to stay sane, in all the trials that surround me, I need to find some silliness and happiness around me. Which reminds me I started reading my "Happiness Project book again." I needed it. My life seems to have exploded around me, with all the changes my house has become a mess and my once routine and orderly life has ceased to exist. I need to bring myself back to center and find order again. "The Happiness Project" book helped me see this more clearly today. Once I do this I'm hoping for more energy to get me through my days.
Tomorrow will be the final day of my husbands first week back to work as a Mechanic. I hope within a month he will have confidence in himself, that he will still be physically able to do the work, and that he will be making the hours he needs to make for us to survive if he is to be a mechanic. We were discussing this tonight, and I told him, it is good that he is trying this out now, while he still has a year to collect unemployment if something goes wrong at the highest rate you can collect. If he had waited to take a job, gotten career counseling, and gotten a grant, he might have decided to take auto mechanic training, and then if he got hired a year from now, and he could not physically do the work he would have been in trouble. It is nice for us to know that there is a safety net under us if this job venture fails. I hope and I know he hopes that it will not fail. Trying to redefine your life when you are almost 50 years old must be a very daunting task for him. The people at his work are very nice to him, and very helpful. I know that this is both a learning experience and growing experience for him. He is going to learn many things in the next few weeks, that will help him move in the best path possible for our family.
I did not end up getting an application for the vet's office yesterday. When I went back, they said they were not hiring and did not even allow me to fill out a employment form. In thinking about it on the way home I realized that I would not be happy working there, and that when my family is in a better financial position, my cat will be getting a different vet. Here is the reason why. When I called to set up the appointment for my cat I asked the receptionist what I thought was a simple question. I want the vet's opinion on whether I should have my cat receive the FeLV vaccination. My daughter is in 4-H and the cat is exposed to other cats. When we first got the cat we did not plan on doing this and so she did not get the vaccination. The receptionist told me I would have to ask when I came in because the vet was too busy. (That's strike one for their customer service in my book.) When I brought my cat in yesterday I asked the same question, they wrote it down, but the vet was not yet in the office (Strike two). Here's the thing, you drop your animal off they check it over,and then you pick your animal up, and you never see the vet. So the receptionist calls me up and says " The Vet says she can't make the decision for you about the vaccination you need to make that." I say " I don't want the vet to make the decision, I want the vets opinion so I can make the decision." The receptionist says " Well the vet is busy and I can't bother her."(Strike three you're out and have lost my respect.) I say " Just give the cat the vaccination." Why did I do it, because I had already talked to another vet and they said I should. But being the customer my cat's vet should have enough time to give me their opinion. See one unsatisfied customer will tell the world about their bad opinion of you and you will lose business. But if you satisfy your customer they will tell others and you will gain more business. When I find the right job, I will work for a company that expects great customer service. I don't want to work for someone who does not have time for their customers.
Well that's it for tonight. Good night. I apologize for typo's, and grammatical errors in my blog. I was not an English major, and I must have slept though all the lessons that were taught at school. When my husband reads over my shoulder things come out much better. And tonight I'm pretty much typing in the dark, the only light being the computer monitor. Time to go to bed.
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