Thursday, August 19, 2010

Are you sleeping? Are you hiring?

This flower is growing in the fence that is between my house and my neighbors house.(I believe it is a double black eyed Susan) I like taking photo's like this because of the pattern of the fence and the beauty of the flower. My neighbor and I spend mornings working on our flower gardens and chatting across the fence. It is one of the ways we relieve the stress of our lives. My neighbors husband is very ill. In fact about a year ago her husband was taken to the hospital and was in a coma for three days. He almost did not make it. Ever since he has come home he has dealt with many medical issues. This week has been very rough for them. He was in the hospital this past weekend. He has an infection and all the medication he takes causes allergic reactions. So each morning my neighbor and I discuss how much sleep we have had. She because her husband is up and ill, and me because my husband is nervous about doing well and making the hours he needs to make enough money for us to survive. I know that by going and talking to my neighbor I help her to just have someone that is listening to her. It allows her to just talk and distress. It also in ways helps me to see my own blessings. We are all well and healthy that is a big blessing.

Here are a few photo's of my cat sleeping. Cat's sleep about 16 hours a day. Some days I'm very jealous of this. They have this great ability to just find some place and sleep. Actually maybe I'll do a blog of the crazy places I find my cat sleeping. This is my favorite place though, how she curls her body up to fit in this spot is just amazing.

Today unfortunately for my cat was her 6 month check up at the vets office. The receptionist was on her third day as being an employee. I asked all sorts of questions as what where you doing before, what are the hours. And then I asked are they still hiring? So I will get an application when we pick my cat up. That is what I'm doing everywhere I go I'm asking "Are you hiring?" I would love to be a receptionist at a Vet clinic. I know I may have to take other jobs, as I need to be making more than I do on unemployment, but eventually that is my goal. This week is National bring your cat's to the vet week. every day I read a cat trivia question( here is the site if you are interested, if you go each day you help give kibble to shelter cats. .) I've been collecting them to put together some cat jeopardy games and cat bowl quiz games. I have so much fun learning about cats. Well wish me luck.

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