At first glance I thought it was a "Preying Mantis" which are cool looking too, but it didn't take long to realize that it was a Leaf bug. I have to say this is the first time I have ever seen this bug. I'm glad he was outside and not in my house.

Side view of the "Leaf Bug."

I looked up onto the railing and another strange bug was hanging out. It must have been strange bug day. This is a Cicada Bug. I have never seen one of these bugs before, but I have heard them a lot at the park this year. I think if you had to be in the park all day and listen to them you just might go insane!
Unemployment Land: My husband had a second interview with an auto company today, and was offered a job. He has another interview tomorrow. Then if he is offered a job there he will have to make a decision on which job to take. If the other company does not offer him a job he will take the first offer. There will be no commute as the job is about a block from where we live. That will save about $300.00 a month in just gas money! Once we know his hours it will be much easier for me to be able to apply for a good job. Wow there really are jobs out there even in this economy. I'm am thankful that he has a job offer, even though I was prepared for him to be unemployed for a long time, and even the possibility of him going to school full time.
Well time to go read my two new books... A children's book called "Bad Kitty Gets a Bath" and another book by Claire Cook called " Summer Blowout." I'll let you know what I think when I'm finished. I also ordered a cat book called "The Abandoned" upon the referral of a friend. When it comes in I look forward to reading it. Oh I also ordered a new pedometer as mine died last week. I can't wait for it to come as I need the motivation to walk.
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