My daughter and I have been at the local 4-H fair the past two days helping in the "CAT CLUB" booth. Our favorite thing to do when things are slow is to go and buy some
cotton candy. When I was young you could only get cotton candy at a fair and so it was a special summer treat. Now you can go down to the wal-mart and pick up a tub of it at anytime during the year. It's still not as good as at the fair though. Yesterday at the fair during the day it was so very hot. When we left at 1:00pm we were all ready to jump into the pool down at the park. Today it was cooler and we had rain. I have to say I have been having so much fun talking to people about 4-H and cats.

The other leaders are starting to tease me " you know you are a cat geek when...." Just fill in the blank and that is me. Most of the people in the cat club booth sit behind the table, I stand right next to the cats and ask people if they like cats, how many cats do they have and get them really talking. The thing with people is if you can get them to talk about themselves they will feel happy, comfortable and they will talk your ear off. I talked so much the other night that my throat still hurts a little. I know that when I get a job, that will be one thing that will be a plus for me. I'm good with customers. At my bank job I won the customer service manager of the year award. I hope I get a job where I get to interact with people.

While at the fair many of the children from the school I worked at have seen me and they have all come over and said "hi". It's so nice to be remembered.
Well there is one more day to eat lots of cotton candy, and talk to people about cats. How fun.
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