Wednesday, May 19, 2021

How To Get Really Good Bird Photos...Take lots of awful ones.

How do you get a really awesome photo?  
Some people spend lots of money on big cameras,
Some people take lots of photography classes.
I take lots and lots of really bad photos.
Yes you read that correctly.
I take really bad photos all the time.  
I think I realized this as I have started to go through 
my photography and organize it. 

I don't own the most expensive camera.
I don't really understand the inner workings of 
my camera.  It is a pretty basic point and shoot
camera with a good zoom lens.
I have a lot of photos that look like the one above.
I think there is part of a bird in it.

I did take a photography course way back in high school.
Back in the dark ages where you developed your own film in a dark room.

I have had more complex cameras, but I find 
my camera that I own right now gets 
photos that I enjoy looking at. 

Photography for me is a fun hobby. 
I go walking with my husband,
and just enjoy tying to get a good photo of the 
things we see as we are out and about.

I think this bird has something to say.

This is probably how far from me the bird was.
This is me zooming in from the house on the birds at
my bird feeder.

Look at this disaster of a photo. I think
another bird flew by.

When you are photographing ducks you get a lot of 
photos of them with their heads under the water.

Trying to zoom in on the birds that are really very far away.

Run, run that person is staring at us.

I'm not good at getting bird photos as they are about to fly.

What you want me to focus on something 
out there?   As my camera auto focuses for
me sometimes it just doesn't know what to focus on.

Another blurry photos.

It figured it out!  Now if the bird would just do a better pose for me.

Sometimes the birds just want to clean themselves.
I guess I'm glad birds don't walk around wanting to take
photos of me.  Excuse me could you not photograph me
while I'm preening.

It's kind of amazing how he is bending his neck.

These birds are very hard to get a photo of, they
don't keep their beaks out of  the water much.

Is there a bird in this photo.  I think
I kept trying to run ahead of this one, it swam fast.

This is how far the heron are from me when I take their photos.
It's hard to zoom in and get a good photo, and keep my arms from shaking.

Sometimes I can zoom in and get a good photo.

Many times my photos look like this.

I like this photo, just wish the one cattail was
not right in front of the bird.

This is the bird that made me realize just how many photos
I will take to get a good photo.

I have a lot of it with it's head under the water.

Just about to go under?  Or just coming back up?

This one is pretty good.

I like this one, I will edit it a little so the bird is more centered.

You can just tell that there is a fluffy little bird in this photo. I zoomed in too much.

I kind of like this photo, something about the different textures.

More window watching photos.  This is the little bird that eats dandelion seeds.

I have to find out what bird this is, I need a whole flock of them
to clean up my yard.

Finally a nice photo.  Do you know what bird this is?
I enjoyed watching it out my front yard window.
Well I hoped you enjoyed looking at my horrible photography.
You always just see peoples best photos on facebook and instagram.
I wanted to show that for every good photo, there are really lots of bad ones.
Just keep enjoying the process.

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