Friday, January 11, 2019

My Year of Becoming Organized. Will Bullet Journaling Help Me???

So I always see these ads on Facebook to pick a word to define your year.  The word I chose for this year is Organize.  I am hoping to get my life and house Organized this year!
I can't promise you that I will have many blog post about being organized or how I get organized as last year was my year of health and I don't think many of my blog post had anything to do with being healthy.
So to get myself organized I decided that I would try Bullet Journaling.  One of my other new year goals is to not spend money so I had to find free online bullet journaling templates.  There are tons out there so if you don't want to spend money, but want to bullet journal just search for free bullet journal templates.  I made a list of the things I want to keep track of and then found templates for each category.  Look a bullet journal template for blogging.  Maybe this year I will blog more and be organized at it too. 

I have a daily calendar, a monthly calendar and then a monthly habit tracker.  Kitty was a lot of help in putting this journal thing together.  My husband was looking at all the papers and thought I had gone a bit over the top.  I found some good meal planners.  I have one that I just plan what dinner is going to be and then one that I plan all the meals of the day.  One of my other goals is to save money and it seems that where most of my money goes is to food.  We eat out way too much.  So I'm hoping by planning meals and  bringing lunch to work I can save more.  I have been bringing lunch to work for three weeks now.   I look forward to see how all this goal making and tracking goes. 
I never realized how much organizing it takes to become organized.  
Did you choose a word to focus on for your new year?  
If so leave me a message and tell me what your word is. 
Perhaps this year with my blog I'll keep you updated on how well all this bullet journaling and organizing goes. 
Some of my other goals are to:
 Exercise daily ( I lost 9 pounds last year!).
Learn Yoga.
Walk the Gardens weekly ( I may go to the Butterfly Biosphere weekly too!).
Go on weekly day dates with my husband.
Make more photo books (maybe even see if I can get one published).
Make a family cookbook.
Get back to doing family history daily and attend the Temple weekly.
Well that's a big list isn't it.

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