Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Mom of a Missionary, emails from Mexico. November 5, 2018

Arts, crafts, and Day of the Dead

ello Family and Friends, it's me again, Señor Elder Bowlby el primero, de Yoo-Taw.

So, this week was "Halloween" and also "Day of the Dead". The stake held a family history event this friday, and the stake president called me up and asked if I could help paint a tree.

Well, of course I said yes.
This is the before work. I drew the tree. My companion, the Stake President's son and I painted it all in. It was really fun!
This is what it looked like after the activity. We painted our hands green and the leaves are us! We wrote our names near the hand prints.
I'm also making small gifts for my companions these past few P-days.

Little popsicle stick "monsters". I'm making 12, one for each missionary in the zone.

But don't think that I haven't been working! This week we put in our fair share of work too.
We're teaching a young man named Victor, he's 13 and he's really cool because you can tell he has a sincere desire to come closer to God and Jesus Christ.
He ran up to us on the street and said that he wanted us to come to his house the next day. This past sunday he got up and bore his testimony on fast and testimony meeting. He learns really quickly, likes to read, it seems that the only challenge is that he lives VERY far away from the chapel. Like, the farthest away possible. Amost at the highway that leads straight out of Mante. We're working on finding ways to bring him to church because his parents don't have a car or anything. We're teaching a lot of more, humble people. Sometimes I see their homes and I'm amazed, because their homes are made from adobe, or from concrete walls with metal-sheet rooves... and they're living life, and searching for joy. It's amazing what some people say to us. It's sometimes odd too to see dirt roads with chickens and stray dogs and cats everywhere, annoying ravens, and skittish inca-doves. I'm pretty accustombed to Mante. It's crazy.

Though it's dark out, know that I am more than safe. Haha. I'm eating well, I'm working hard, and I'm doing all that I can to give everything to the Lord. Please know that I am doing what I can!

Here's a scripture for you this week: It's about the missionary work, and how to recieve knowledge and strength from God! Alma (the Younger) and the sons of Mosiah meet again in Alma 17, and he finds them after many years of preaching...

2 Now these sons of Mosiah were with Alma at the time the angel first appeared unto him; therefore Alma did rejoice exceedingly to see his brethren; and what added more to his joy, they were still his brethren in the Lord; yea, and they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth; for they were men of a sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the word of God.

But this is not all; they had given themselves to much prayer, and fasting; therefore they had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with power andauthority of God. 
We too can receive strength from the Lord! As we study the scriptures, pray and fast, we grow nearer to him. We begin to understand his will for us.

I love you all! Have a great day. Know that we are well cared for in the work of the Lord. Stay strong!

-Elder Bowlby

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