Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Garden Girls Foodie Adventure....Trying Artichoke....

I will be the first to admit that I'm a very picky eater...When I read the Calvin and Hobbes cartoons and he is making faces about his food, I think that is me!  I made such horrible faces as a child that my father switched my seat so that when he made something that I hated..Usually Pea Soup, he did not have to watch me...Even now when I make something my children do not like to eat, nothing they do can annoy me as I could make a gagging sound and face that could top them.
I too love dessert and snacks...But I have decided that I need to try healthy food...and my new job is a place where healthy food is all around me. This past week I took the brave step of trying a new food.
I'm not sure why people are so into eating Artichoke...But I have had many people tell me they love it and they have told me how to cook it, and what they like to dip it in.  Here is the before it's cooked state...
I searched the internet for simple Artichoke recipes and decided to steam it in water with lemon,bay leaf and garlic.The above photo is the steamed Artichoke.   People told me of two things they like to dip it in, melted butter (now that is something I like!) or Mayo...
I liked it best in the butter...But who wouldn't??...I'll admit that it wasn't that bad...I never got to the Heart of it though...People say the heart is the best...And eating a vegetable heart is far more appealing to me than animal heart any day...But the whole getting the choke off the heart was too someday I'll have a friend who is better at this eating good food stuff prepare Artichoke hearts for me... One thing I learned in this crazy food adventure is Artichokes are the flower of a Thistle plant....

And because I tried something new and healthy I had a good treat...Strawberry shortcake...YUM!
So what healthy food do you think I should try next?  Have you tried Artichoke?  What is your favorite way to eat it?

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