Friday, September 27, 2013

I Am Grateful..... my new Friday blog posts

I have decided that every Friday my blog focus is going to be on being grateful.  I have been studying about gratitude for the past few months and have been trying hard to write ten things I am grateful for in a journal everyday. I kind of dropped the ball with back to school and the change of schedules and feel that I once again need to focus on this important virtue.
The past few years have been hard for me.  And a few month ago at work I was asking why I could not have more magic in my life and less negativity.  And at that moment a little bit of magic happened. That weekend while at the library with my children I found a book called "The Magic".  It looked interesting and so I took it home.  The book ended up being about how having gratitude brings magic in your life.  And I have been studying and testing out this concept ever since.  I have since stepped out of a very negative time in my life and started to see a lot of positive things occur.  So every Friday I hope to share with you ten things I'm thankful for and some related sites on having an attitude of gratitude.  I believe it can really change your life for the best.
Today I am grateful for
1. Microwave chicken pot pie. ( which I'm indulging in right now. Yum)
2.My digital camera.  There are not too many days that go by that I do not take it out and snap a photo of something.
3. I am able to pay all my bills. ( I met someone the other day who had to go a couple of weeks with out their phone, TV, and Internet, because when it came time to pay the bills there was not enough to cover everything.  I quickly gave out a little more gratitude in my mind for the fact that I could pay all my bills)
4. I am so thankful for my  new home.  And you know I'm finally feeling like it is a home and not a house.
5. I am grateful for the beautiful sun rises that I see out my window each morning.
6. I grateful for my cat, she is a furry little angel.
7. I'm grateful for computer technology.  I spend much of my time on computers doing work for others and I find great joy in it.
8. I am grateful for my job.  I love to be able to help people,and I really enjoy the friendships I've made where I work.
9. I am grateful for my family.  My greatest treasure is my family, each one of them is a precious jewel.
10. I am grateful for a two day weekend.  I don't get many and so it will be a nice break for me.

Gratitude quote : " Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others." Marcus Tillius Cicero Roman statesman, writer, orator.
Have a wonderful weekend.

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