Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Everyone has a place they like to go where they can relax and find renewal. My favorite place of refuge is the sea shore. The smell of the ocean, the sound of the waves crashing in help to take my mind away from all the worries of the world. My favorite thing to do is collect sea shells. I actual have made some fun names for them. Perhaps in a future blog I will put pictures of them up and my unusual shell names. Sometimes though I am attracted to the broken shells. I actually have a jar of them. Why? Because it is to me very much what life is. No person goes through this life with out being broken in some way. And when you walk by the ocean you realize that not many shells make it to the beach without being broken, either by the harshness of the ocean or the pecking of a birds beak. These shells represent the truth of life to me. That we all are beat upon by the world and come out a little broken. With some people you can see their brokenness, they have been in accidents that have changed them for life. Other people you see it in their eyes as they tell you their story. Their body may look complete and well but their eyes show their sadness and pain. Some shells are just pieces of what they once were, you cannot even imagine what they were at first, and others look whole from one angle but actually their damage is hidden. The broken shells remind me that nothing is perfect, but even something broken can be beautiful and cherished.
We tried to catch a sunrise at the shore this weekend. Got up way too early, and headed to the beach. We watched the fog rise, but saw no sun. But we still got to see the water, smell the air and find some great shells. My daughter got the best find a large sand dollar. It has some blemishes but don't we all.

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