My cat can be found sleeping in some of the most unusual places. Like on the top of a pile of papers. I don't know why or how she does it but she can make the most uncomfortable place look comfortable. I was looking at her yesterday curled up and sleeping and wishing that I could get to sleep and be as peaceful. But it seems that is not going to be my lot in life for a while. So yesterday my husband went to work and tried to get them to let him go. He said to his employer I'm just not a fast enough mechanic, I don't think I'm doing good for you. I think you should let me go. The employer said. No, we think you are doing fine we are pleased with the work you are

doing. And then they proceeded to put my husband at a different spot in the dealership. So he is no longer working for the same foreman, and he no longer has to deal with the evil service writer. He is working in a section with one manager and one other mechanic. The manager said he will try to make sure my husband gets enough work to make close to 40 hours a week. Also my Husband is an ASE certified master mechanic and there are some cars at his new spot that have to have an ASE Certified technician work on them. I think he is the only fully certified technician at the shop. I think my husband only stayed because

they would not give him the letter of termination that would definitely allow him to collect unemployment. He will now be working Monday to Friday and have Saturday and Sunday off. But it is still Flat rate which still scares us. But it is interesting that they were surprised that he wanted to leave. Any way I saw a glimpse of my husband through my son last night. My son was working on his home work and having a very hard time. He started to cry and say it's just too hard. I can't do this, when I think I should do it one way and begin to go forward, I then feel I should do this another way. It's just so confusing.

I think that is what my husband is feeling. One moment he thinks I can do this, it is hard but I can do this. And then at other moments he is that little boy crying, It's just too hard, I can't do this. I can only hope that things either get better, easier, and that he figures it out soon. It is so hard to watch and not really be able to do anything to help. I continue to just make life as stress free as possible around the house, when no one is home I take naps. Which leads me to my favorite place that my cat sleeps. It is when she cuddles up next to me on the couch in the morning when no one is at home. She is my little angel. She gives me such comfort. I'm amazed at how such a

small quite animal can speak so loudly and be so sweet and loving. I'm so glad we adopted her. She brings a special peace to our house.
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