I'm beginning to organize my photo's to start making the photo cards that I'm giving to family members as Christmas Gifts. I was amazed by how many butterfly photo's I got this summer. I am really missing the warm weather, and all the moments I got to spend out in the garden. So it has been nice to just look at the photo's and relive the moment. To get a good butterfly photo you have to have patience. There is a lot of waiting for the perfect moment. I'm thinking that some relatives will get a butterfly photo card packet as I have gotten some really good photo's this year. I can't really even say that I have a favorite they are all so pretty. (let me know which is your favorite!) My husband and I were
discussing my photography yesterday and both of us agreed I had a really good year. I hope you enjoy looking at these photo's as much as I enjoy it. With fall here there is not much to do in the garden. Most of my plants are on the dying side of the cycle. When I get out to the garden I prepare the soil for next year and cut back the plants that need cutting back and leave the plants that need to be left alone. I find myself thinking of the cycles of life and how it relates to gardening. There are some plants that last years, and others that only last a few months. And yet
as much as I don't like winter, and the death of my plants, or probably more accurate would be the dormant stage of my plants. I know that the winter and the snow are actually good for the plants. The winter gives the plants time to rest before spring when the plants will grow again. If the winter is not cold enough and a plants start to grow again too early then it could be the end of the plants. But I'm just not ready for it this year.
Today I was also thinking that there are some people that should not be allowed to drive. It's a sad fact but some people (like the little old lady who pulled out in front of me illegally this morning) should not be allowed to drive anymore. So I'm driving down the road, and this little old lady pulls out in front of me from a side road. Good thing I was driving slow or I would have hit her. Then she stops right in the middle of the street, and then she proceeds to drive 5 miles an hour in a 25 mile an hour zone. So If I had been a road rage type person I'd have been honking my horn by this time. But I felt if I honked my horn I could only cause this person more stress and cause some type of accident and I was about 2 minutes from my house if I was going the proper speed. Unfortunately some not so nice road rage type person got behind me and starts honking. I feel like stopping my car and getting out and saying what do you want me to do? This person in front of me isn't moving, can you be that rude?? Yes people can be that rude. So to get to my house you have to cross the railroad tracks, the woman creeps up at 1 mile an hour, stops, while the Macho man behind me is honking away, then she creeps over the railroad tracks. HONK!,HONK! AHHH!! Thank goodness I could turn down a different road and let the annoying road rager get stuck behind the little old lady who SHOULD NOT BE DRIVING ANYMORE.(This could be a book idea THERE WAS AN OLD LADY WHO SHOULDN'T DRIVE ANY MORE, I DON'T KNOW WHY SHE WAS OUT DRIVING, SHE JUST MIGHT DIE.") Another reason I knew this woman shouldn't be driving was the amounts of dents in her car. She must get in accidents all the time! So that's my story. I think I'm here on earth to learn patience. I don't know how I can learn it when I can't even spell it correctly half the time. But I certainly have mine tested enough.
One more thing, my husband is slowly making more hours at his job. He is a flat rate mechanic for a Toyota dealership. He only gets paid for what work comes in, so I'm constantly praying work comes in. Hope lots of peoples Toyota's break down we need the money! (Sorry) Anyway when he applied he printed out their add which said there was a $5000.00 sign on bonus. They told him after being there three months he would get the bonus, split between pay checks. Well three months ends next week, and guess what they are trying now not to give it to him. How can Toyota be making money and not keeping their promises to their employees? SHAME ON THEM! Of course my husband works about 60 hours a week (That's how long he is at the shop) And he get paid for 25 hours a week. So I think you can figure out how they are making money. It will be interesting to see what happens next. I really think if I found a good lawyer we would have a good case. Know any good lawyers? Maybe I need to be on The ELLEN show, or some talk show and let them know about what really happens in the car shop. And share about all the people who have to work 2 to 3 job's just to make ends meet. What is this world coming to? Although I have to say even with the lack of funds, my husband and I are doing well. God continues to bless us with food, clothing and a roof over our heads. My job continues to be great. I picked a GREAT company to work for. The employees are really nice and most customers are nice too. I get paid for every hour I'm there, it may not be a lot but I agreed to that. I'm happy to be there. Not looking forward to black Friday, but you know it will be a learning experience. Have a great day!
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