My Children both got on the honor roll this marking period. My daughter would be high honors if they had it at her school. My Son just the honor roll. He needs to be more organized and diligent. They are also realizing how much I have done in the past years, as they see a little less of me, and are recognizing that the person who has done all the work in the house now doesn't always have the time to do it on their

own. It's nice that they are all starting to help out. Even my husband has come to see just how much he took my being home all the time for granted. He often now thanks me for all I've been doing. His friends also have been slapped with the reality that he can't just take off on a Friday night, as I work. I always was a little mad at how his friends would call last minute and ask him to come over and not think that perhaps I would like some time with my husband or time to myself. So now they also can not take me for granted either(plus it annoyed me that they always would say "Why aren't you working?"). I know that sounds a little harsh. But the reality is that many housewives lead very lonely lives. You may think well they have the kids, but that is not the same as having friends and adult conversation. You can lose your identity if all you do is focus continually on your children. I love my children, and love to do things with them but have found that I need other outlets too. I need my own life, friends and hobbies. So if you know a house wife make it a point to do something special for her, and to try to support her and visit with her. You will never know how grateful she might be for those moments of adult time. It is a hard balance in life to be a housewife and be able to do things with other adults. I know if I had not called friends and set up times to visit I would have gone weeks without seeing other adults. I would also have driven my husband crazy, because I would be constantly wanting to have his attention because he was the only adult I would see on a regular basis. So it's very important to get out and have your own life when you are a house wife. You don't have to work, but you do have to have your own things to do. OK enough. Project Joy: Things that brought me joy this weekend: Having Saturday off and spending time with my family, Having some time to play with my cat. She likes to chase after string. Being a substitute teacher for the teens at my church. I only taught one person, but they were thankful that I was there. It was nice to be able to serve and learn more about this teen. Working on my scarf projects.
I also have to say I'm very thankful for neighbors and family who have been keeping an eye on my children when I have a weird work schedule. It was nice to know I had three different people helping my daughter get on the bus last week. It makes you very thankful for the people in your life.
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