help fold clothing. I really don't mind doing the work. Some employees get a little angry at the mess, but my thought is that if there were no customers, there would be no mess and with no mess there would be no job. I guess working in the library also helped. As soon as I got the books all neat and tidy, the kids would come in and push them back. I went in and volunteered on Thursday. It was nice to just go and straighten the books and check out the students. They were all happy to see me. They asked why I was not working everyday, and I said, well you know I found a new job. Any ways at 12:30 am I was
wide awake. I got home, and ate some chips because I was starving. I wish there was a McDonald's near where I work, I would do a midnight run for some french fries.
My husband had a busy day yesterday. He did have to work a half day today. But guess what, I might have found him a new job. It would be with a company where he would test engines. He would work with an engineer too. It is an entry level position but I think he would love to do this as his favorite part of auto mechanics is working on the engines. He called the contact name last night and they left a message this morning. I will

be praying for this. So If you can say some prayers too. Well I hope you like the photo's of my kitty. On Monday I teach the 4-H children about cat coat colors and patterns. I love teaching, I love learning about cats too. I have figured out that my cat's color is this : She is a brown patched tabby with white. It is so cool to study the colors of cats. So much of it has to do with genetics. I just have so much fun. Someday I either want to work for a Veterinary office as a receptionist or be a science teacher. But if this never happens at least I have the 4-H kids to teach. And I know they always enjoy it. Well have a great weekend. Thanks for reading.
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