I've told you that I like to write children's stories. Here is one of the first ones I wrote. I even sent it to a publisher and they gave me a very nice letter back saying they thought I'd worked hard on this story but could not afford to fund having it published. I probably should have sent it out to other publishers, but life got busy. I'd love some day to just find some artistic person who could draw pictures to go with the words. perhaps my son will do it for me some day as he is a very good artist. Hope you enjoy it.
The Story of the Starfish.
One day, while playing on the beach, a young boy noticed a star on the ground.
" Daddy, Daddy, look! A star fell from the sky," the boy said to his father.
His Father came and looked at the star. Then he smiled at his son and said, "No son, this star did not fall from the sky, it is a starfish. He lives in the ocean.
" Oh." Said the boy, as he looked at the starfish. " Are you sure it didn't come from the sky?"
" Yes. But let me tell you about the story of the first starfish."
" OK" Said the boy. So the boy and his father sat down on the beach and this is the story his father told him.
"When Heavenly Father created the world, he made the stars in the heavens with the sun and moon. He made the land and animals. He made the water and all the creatures that swim in the water. One day a star looked down and saw the ocean and all the fish and water creatures. The star thought it looked like the best place to live. The little star dreamed about living in the ocean. He thought it would be fun to live there, floating in the water, and watching all the pretty fish swim by. Soon the star became sad because he wanted so much to live in the water. So the little star asked Heavenly Father if he could make it possible for him to live in the ocean. Heavenly Father didn't want the star to live in the water. He knew that living on the earth would be dangerous. He wanted the star to stay in the sky where he could see it sparkle and shine in the night sky. The star continued to ask, and because Heavenly Father loved the star, for he had created him, he granted the star his wish. So the star fell from the sky in a burst of beautiful color. He splashed into the ocean and became the first starfish."
"Wow" said the little boy, "that's amazing." The little boy picked up the starfish, and put him back into the ocean.
On the employment search, I've picked up a few applications for stores in the area. But one thing I'm now going to do is put together at word document with all my past employment history, and the answer to some of the questions that they ask on applications. And a list of references both friends, and people with professional titles that know me. You would be surprised at all the information they ask for on these applications. My least favorite question is "what did you dislike about your previous job?" I liked everything about my last job!
I have also found web-sites where you can practice for the online aptitude test. You know when will people realize that some people may not take a timed test well, but they may work really well in a fast paced environment?! I still have issue with these online tests. I dropped my application off at the store that I took the test for and it's been two days and I have not heard back from them, I don't think I will. And the sad thing is I had a friend who had worked there bring me in. Even a reference won't get you past the evil test. I'm home alone, and it is quiet, and I'm going to focus on cleaning the house while the kids are out. I hope I don't have too many more weeks of unemployment to go. I'll have to go find some places to volunteer at.
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