Here is a photo of one of the fall flowers in my garden. It has already gone by, but how beautiful it was. I love the orange color, makes it seem like fall. I'm still patiently waiting for my mum's to bloom. I can't remember what color's they are, I know I have more than one color out there.
Today I went to the One-Stop-Unemployment center in our town. I did the orientation. Which took about an hour and a half. There were about 15 people there, most of them were older. One women had been a nurse. She was saying how she never thought she would be out of a job. I'm also surprised as everyone keeps saying the job to train for is nursing. There were also many people there who were just looking at the job postings or working on the computers. To get any type of help you first have to go to this orientation. So now I can go to other career help stuff. Tomorrow I get to visit with a career counselor. I'm hoping they don't tell me to go get a job at a bank. I would like to work as a receptionist or office clerk. My biggest problem I think right now is that I'm not sure if my resume is good enough. I don't know if it is showing future employers that I'm a good worker. Or if it shows enough to get me at least in for an interview.
I look forward to getting a little extra help. I have started to fill out applications, and will try to hand at least two in by the end of this week. I also have one receptionist job that looks interesting and want to call and see if I can drop my resume off.
The past two weeks with the kids back in school has actually been nice for me. I have enjoyed this moment of quiet in my life. I've had time to look at my life and think about what the next step should be. I would really like a job where I will have the same day off as my husband. It has been nice for us to sit and have lunch together and talk. I have spent time praying and asking God for direction in my life. Two years ago I didn't do that. I just decided I wanted the library job, applied for it and then it was mine. I now feel the need to seek divine direction in my life. What is my purpose in life? Is what I do for a job important? Where should I be focusing my attention. Most days I've felt very calm about the speed of this progression. Today though I've been a bit stressed. I've felt a bit weak, and I've felt like the whole job search is a bit overwhelming. I'm only into this two weeks, I can't imagine how other people must feel, and many of them are looking for full time job's with benefits. Me I'm really looking for something part time, and I don't need the benefits at this point.
I've read two interesting books in the past two weeks. They were both mystery books and very fast paced. Sometimes I like to read books that make you think and other times I like these books that are fast to read. The books were : "Dancing in the Dark" By Mary Jane Clark and "Vanished" By Danielle Steel.
Dancing in the Dark takes place in New Jersey. It is a kidnapping, murder mystery, with lots of plot twists. If you have ever dealt with a person with eating disorders, it also covers that subject too. I felt it was a good book to read and liked to read a book about places near where I live.
"Vanished" By Danielle Steel. Is also about a child being kidnapped and how the police look for the child. This book left me feeling very thankful for the life I have and that I never had the trials that the main character in the book went through. It was a very intense book, and I couldn't put it down. I'm lucky that my neighbor next door had a whole box of books out for a yard sale and let me have them. I now have a lot of reading to do. If you read either of these books let me know what you think.
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