Monday, January 28, 2013

Family History for the Beginner

This year my ward's goal is to have everyone learn how to do family history and to take one of their ancestors names to the Temple.  This past month every talk during Sacrament meeting has been about doing family history and Temple work.  I have been asked by the bishop in our ward to help members of the ward start learning how to do family history.  As I have thought about Family History research I have felt that something I could do to help others is blog about and share what I know about family history. 
I hope to write a few blogs a week on how to start your family history research, and give you tips on how to do family history with just a little time each week, and for as little money as possible, I also want to help find ways to get youth and teens interested in family history too.  I hope that if people read this they will ask questions that I can help them find the answers for.
I hear a lot of people who say these things when they start family history,
I feel very overwhelmed, I don't know where to begin.
I feel like I don't have the time to do family history.
You don't need to feel this way.  And I hope through out this year I can help you feel like you can do family history research and that it won't be overwhelming and time consuming.

The first step to starting family history is starting with yourself.  You might want to get a binder and put some photo's of yourself from different times in your life and write about those times and why you like the photos.  You also want to get a copy of your birth certificate and if you are married your marriage certificate.    Now you have begun to collect your family history. 
This is a photo of me on my wedding day with my husbands grandmother.  I loved and hated my wedding dress.  It was so pretty, but I could barely breath in it when I sat down which was not fun!
Well I hope you enjoy my new focus for the year.


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