Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dear Mom and Dad please send me some Cross Country ski's (our first Utah snow storm!)

Sorry about the detour away from family history today, probably why my blog is very unsuccessful in money making.  Not that I'm really trying.  But this is a little blog for my parents and friends back east.  Here is the view from our front door looking out across the street.  See all the snow.  It has been snowing constantly since Sunday night.  In fact I sat in comfort Sunday night looking out the back window thanking God I was not working.  The sad thing that happened after work on Sunday was one of my bosses fell on her walk home banged her head and ended up with a concussion.  She was talking on her cell phone to her husband at the time which was a blessing as once she fell she could not get up.  One thing I'm learning is things don't shut down for snow in Utah.
Here is the view of the front walk from the drive way.  See the snow plow, I mean shovel.  See the high snow bank.  Yes Mom and Dad your wimpy daughter has done all the shoveling at the house.  Because school does not close in Utah for snow.  So my young shoveler is off at school.  My arms are so sore!

Here is the drive way all plowed.... I mean shoveled.  Yes I shoveled all this snow.  The nice thing about Utah snow is it is very light... This was also my third round of shoveling since the storm began. So as I was shoveling I was thinking I wish I had Cross Country ski's.. This snow would be perfect to ski in.  So Mom and Dad, send me some of your old ski's please.
Another shot of the house from the street.  All those snow banks, yep thats right I made them.
Here is another view of the house from the side walk.  We live on a corner lot.  And guess what that gives us a big side walk.... that has to be shoveled.  And I also have to keep the fire hydrant accessible too.
This is a view of the corner of the street to the the back of the house.  You can just see the fire hydrant to the right.  I shoveled the whole walk to the road.  3 times now.    Still wishing for cross country ski's !
This is looking at the road from the side walk at the back of our house.  I think they may have plowed this road, but they have not plowed and will not plow the road that goes to our house.  I love the view of the horse field across the back of the house.
This is our view from the back of the house.  Some where out there are some really big mountains, but when it snows you don't even see them.  I want to take some sunrise photo's because it is beautiful. Hopefully we will see the sun soon.

Kitty would like to come out and play in the snow too.  Can you send her some ski's too?  I have learned one thing if you keep your house during the day at 63 degree's, going out and shoveling snow makes 63 feel really warm when you get back in.  Hot coco also is a great treat too.
Hope you enjoyed this little blog on our first snow storm.  Maybe when I have money someday I'll buy a snow blower, but hey I got some good exercise!

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