Thursday, January 26, 2012

Stuck in 1866....

So I'm still contemplating my penny.  I told my husband if it didn't have a hole in it, it might be worth $35.00.  But it has a hole in it, so it's probably worth .01 Cent.  But it is funny that I found it this past week.  The family line I am working on has a child born in 1866.  So I wonder what was life like for her?  Did her parents tell her about the Civil war when she got older?  Did she have grandparents who fought in the war.  What were the foods they ate, did they own horses and buggy's or oxen and carts?  This family also has a child born on the same day as I was born.  And one of their children marries a girl who immigrated from Ireland. 

After my last post I went to and looked up the "Irish Potato famine."  I found the name of the book I read.  It was " Journey to America: Fiona McGilrays story."  I am going to either order it to read again or see if I can find it at the Library.  I also want to read the book " Wildflower Girl."  By Marita Conlon-Mckenna.  It is also about the Irish Potato famine.
I'll let you know how I like the books.  Right now I'm reading the book " The House At Riverton."  It is another historical mystery book, with family secrets at the turn of every page.  Or at the turn of most pages.  I really am enjoying it.

I don't have much more to share.  If you are wondering how my family is doing, we are all doing well and are very busy.  My daughter is taking karate twice a week, and basketball one night a week.  My son is in chess club, and he also does boy scouts.  It seems every night of the week they need to be somewhere.  I continue to work about 30 hours a week.  My husband is very busy with his job.  He has nights where he works late, and then this morning he had to be in at 6 am.  My husband still misses the East and wishes we still lived there.  I think he is the odd man out.  The rest of us really love it here in the west.  I can only hope the house sells soon so we can look for a little house out here to call our own.  I am learning much about getting rid of things and not keeping things in such a small apartment.  Though I find it to be nice and cozy until about bed time when the kids start fighting.  They say love grows stronger in small houses.  So perhaps our family will end up very strong after living here awhile longer.  I'm also starting to learn about couponing.  Lots to learn on that front.  I need to save as much as possible if I want to get to Vermont this summer.  I am also trying very hard again this year not to use Credit cards.  The move did us in on the credit card front.  I refuse to use them any longer.  It is hard, but I guess at some point you have to learn to only buy what you can afford to pay for in cash.  I hope for a large tax return and my house to sell, and then this credit card struggle will be gone.  Until then life is a little on the scrimp and get by stage of life.  But we are better off than others so I can't complain.

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