I'm not sure of what this new chapter in my life will bring. Will our house sell fast? Or will it take

months to sell? Depending on who you talk to you get all sorts of different opinions. I'm tired of listening to any of them. It makes me sick to my stomach. Will the airline allow the cat to fly with us or will it end up traveling cross country with my husband. Pray they let her fly with me please. Will all the stuff fit in this truck?
I'm feeling very overwhelmed at the moment. I could complain, I could list my concerns, but you know I'm going to be patient. I'm not going to complain.
Here are photo's of my country kitchen. My husband built this kitchen all on his own. He designed it, and built everything.

It's a very beautiful kitchen. He did a ton of work. In fact we have done a ton of work to this house. It makes me a little sad that in moving at the wrong time we will lose. The other side 4 years ago sold for $281,000. We are selling our side for $179,000. I can only hope though that it will sell. The housing market isn't the greatest. the economy isn't the greatest. The Job market isn't the greatest. So it is what it is. I have to be happy my husband has a good job. He is doing well. If I rent the rest of my life I won't be too sad. So in a few days the next chapter will begin. I wonder what my poor cat thinks. Her world has been boxed up. She been to the vet multiple times so we have her ready to fly. Tons of strange people have been in and out of this house. I wonder what she thinks of all this. If it totally overwhelms me how is it affecting her? Or for that matter my children. So Pray my house sells. Thanks!
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