Here are some photo's of my little apartment kitchen. Everything is right there. It's small but has some things my big kitchen didn't have. It has a big microwave. We always used my little college microwave. It has a dishwasher. Wow I've never used a dishwasher before. It was so nice to just push a button and the work got done. I now have to train the family to put their dirty dishes in the dish washer and not the sink! What is really amazing is that everything from the big kitchen fit into the little kitchen. It has a lot of space to put things into. I was so amazed. One thing I bought was a popcorn maker. I stayed at
a friends house before the move and had yummy popcorn and knew that it was the way to go. She also made some of the best meals I've had in a long time. I need to get some recipes from her. Everything was simple, which I liked. And fresh too. I have to say that despite it's littleness, I like my new kitchen. It is easy to keep clean, and for someone who is not a great cook it is just the right size.
Here are photo's of my Husbands biggest project in our New Jersey house. Our kitchen. It took him 3 years to put this kitchen together. From the floor up he made everything. It has my favorite color Hunter green, for the counter tops. My Husband says this kitchen is what will sell the house. I sure hope so. It is a beautiful kitchen, and he did a huge amount of work. Everything was done to keep the "Period Correct" (1930's) Look to it. It is a big spacious kitchen. It gets wonderful natural light in it all day long. It has lots of storage space. I always really felt happy here. Except, perhaps it was a bit big for me.
I'm not the biggest, greatest cook so it was a bit more than I needed. Plus everything was a walk away. I like the little kitchen, where everything is in reach. Perhaps I'm lazy!
Well the first week of school in a new state is over for my children. They are doing well with adjusting. They are making new friends each day. My son went to the temple last night and found out two of the boys his age live in our apartment complex. My daughter and I spent the evening at the pool and she met two nice girls from her school. They walked to school together this morning. I often think lately that perhaps
we are
here to help people who are not members of our church learn that we aren't that bad. It is funny as many people in the apartment are not members of the church. And because I don't "look like a Mormon" ( so my old neighbors said) these people talk to me and warn me about the that church and it's members. I hope I can help them see we are not that bad.
My husband is busy at work and says he feels the job is a great fit. I'm glad to hear that. He has to fly back out to New Jersey next weekend to take the rest of our stuff out. I hope after the hurricane that is coming that what is left is still OK. I guess there is not much I can do. So I'm not going to worry about it. No luck on the job front for me. I went to Kohl's yesterday to see about being transferred and still no one has called me. Perhaps it's for the best. I think I'd be better off finding a job near where I live. I've found a nice book store that I wouldn't mind working at. There is also a grocery store right near the house that is open 24 hours so hopefully I could get a job there if possible. While I'm a little nervous about the whole finding a job thing, I know I'm a hard worker and will eventually find the right place. That "P" word again. I have a hard time with it. Well I'm hoping to get the apartment totally unpacked this weekend. I need to have organizations. All the boxes drive me crazy. Please continue to pray for my family that we adjust to Utah, and that our house sells.
Have a good weekend. On a sad note, my travelling hens and chickens that I prepared to take here got stolen from off the back porch. I was really upset, as I had Vermont Hen's and Chickens and New Jersey Hens and Chickens and New Jersey dirt. My next door neighbor gave me a small pot of hers, but it's not the same!
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