As I got ready to move from New Jersey to Utah I had written a list of all the people I needed to send thank you cards to. I've lost the list somewhere, so hopefully as the cards reach their destinations I have remembered everyone. It reminds me of a story my daughter told me about a woman who sent the same person 1000's thank you cards. Each time she sent a card to thank the person, the person sent a card back and then she sent another card. I told my daughter we owed a lot of people thank yous for all the help we
received. Today I filled the little out going mailbox at our apartment with thank you cards. I can't wait for my computer to be set
up so that I can print this rose photo out and use it as a card too. Each person received a personal thank you with a letter. None of that general thank you with a signature. I wanted each person to know how special they were to me and my family. I wrote those thank yous in my most favorite place to be the laundry room. Well it's not my most favorite place to be, but I'm there a lot.
The last couple of days I've felt a little off, and angry that I don't have a job right away with Kohl's. But I've realized that there are things that I need to get done before I start working

again. I need to relax, because I've been going for 4 months with only small amounts of help from others. I need to focus on my spiritual walk, because I let it slip as I tried to hold my world together. I am trying hard to focus on the things I need to do to allow the spirit to guide me. I want to get a job that will be good for me and my family. So I need to take my time and search and listen. I also need to take some time to just be thankful. I'm thankful that my family is back together. I'm thankful that my husband has a good job, and that most of the move is being paid for by his company. I'm thankful that we are healthy. I'm thankful for the gospel in my life.
My time alone reading the scriptures has helped to calm me down. Helped me to realize I need to let Heavenly Father be in control. I feel he wanted us here and now I need to have
faith that he has a plan and will bless us.
I've put some photo's of my cat during our move. Poor her. I can't imagine what she thinks of all this. She has been very clingy with me. She wants to be wherever I am.
Well think about all that you can be thankful for today. It may help you feel better about your situation. I hope to share with you a talk I read about being thankful. Have a great day.
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