I belong to
The Church Of JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS I know who I am, I know God's plan...
As I reflect on my days in New Jersey, read through my old scrap books, one of the most important decisions I made here was to join a new church, and grow in my faith. When I was young I believed in God, I thought he was my best friend. I spent most of my childhood up in the mountains of Vermont alone. Both my parents worked. So I'd get home from school, up in the top of the mountain by myself and talk to God. But in high school I stopped going to our UCC church. I worked Sundays and I fell into a

crowd of friends who didn't believe in God. I believed still, but my faith was weak. When I moved to New Jersey, after leaving the guy I'd been dating, I was quiet alone. During this time my niece who was two became seriously ill. She had a disease that only 25% of children who got it lived. As a family we all decided we needed to pray for this beautiful little girl. So far from my family, I began to pray to God. As I prayed I realized I needed to do more, I needed to go to church. I lived across from a Catholic church, and the drive to work was filled with other types of churches. I began to pray for which church to join. I was shy and only knew the people I

worked with. So I began to not only pray for my niece, I prayed for a church to go to, and a friend to go with. In steps a customer at work. He was fun to talk to, and handsome. We went on a date and then he asks me to attend church with him. So I said sure. It was what I was looking for. His church was THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. After that first visit together we never stopped going without the other until three months ago when he went off to a new job in Utah. How I miss going to church with him. I can't wait to be back with him. Anyways, I'm sure many people thought

I joined the church because of him. But I joined because I felt so close to God and the Savior when I attended this church. I knew God answered my prayers, He showed me what church he wanted me to go to and gave me a best friend to go with. And my little niece a few weeks after I joined went into remission and has never been sick from the illness again. The Savior is at the head of my church. He speaks through living prophets. What I love most beyond that is how important family is in the church. I love my family. I can't wait for us to all be together again, I can't wait to walk the temple grounds together as a family.

I know that God wants my family to move. I know the work I'm supposed to be doing. It is here inside the Temple. It is connecting my family through the ages. Last year I spent many days working on family history. And I asked God one question ( I really need to learn to stop asking questions) When do I get to live near Temples so I can do the work? When do I get to live close enough that I can go often to the Temple? I guess he answered this question. Don't you think? I have a great song to share
MOVE. I like the line " I may bend but I won't break."

Moving my friends is hard. It is physically hard, and it is mentally hard. I've never realized before that you could be so excited and so nervous and so sad all at once. There isn't a day that I don't feel like bouncing up and saying "I'm moving and it's going to be a great adventure." and then the next moment I want to break down in tears " I'm moving and I'm going to miss so many of you." And then waking up with a sick stomach just being nervous about it all. What a roller coaster ride. The blessing come after the trial of faith. The trial has been long, and hard and I'm sure it's not over yet. Hope you enjoy the photo's.