After graduating from High school, I went to the University of Vermont. I majored in Animal Science with a minor in small business management. I was going to either be a veterinarian or own my own horse farm.

Most of my teenage life was consumed by working on a Morgan horse farm. In college I met this guy and we began dating. He graduated a year before me. He got a job with AT&T in New Jersey. We had this long distant relationship during my senior year. And then at the end of my college days he wrote and asked me to move to New Jersey and have a life with him. Of course his idea and my idea of a life together were very different. I was thinking wedding bells and marriage. He was thinking living together and never getting married. That ultimately was the deal breaker.

There was one thing I'd never do, and that was have children without being married. He could not understand this and it just put a wall between us. So a year after moving down to New Jersey I was alone. I decided I'd stay one year as I had a good job, and I wanted to pay all my bills down and then move back to Vermont. Funny how I never got back. I guess God had other plans for me. Now instead of moving back to Vermont I'm Moving to Utah. And at least I know one thing, I know there is a good reason to move.
My husband is doing so well out in Utah. His job is just right for him. He is very busy, and yesterday he got his first bonus check. He sounded so happy on the phone. I can't wait to be with him again. I miss him so very much. Perhaps I'll share our how we met story. I also thought I'd share how come I belong to the church I belong to also. Now that is a very interesting story. So now you know how I ended up here in New Jersey. I think I've lived here about 16 years. I never thought I'd be here that long when I first moved here, and then at some point I never thought I'd move. It sometimes becomes a bit overwhelming.

I stopped by your blog today. Sounds like you are on a new path. Hope all goes well.