My house is mostly packed up. I have a few things to pack in the basement, and then at some point I need to pack up my computer. That will have to wait till moving week though. I can't live long with out my computer. One of the things I've learned is don't pack the kitchen until close to moving. OK so I thought I'd be moving a little earlier than it looks like. I should know tonight the actual moving week. It's very hard to cook a meal without pots, pans, and serving utensils. I was able to find the pots and pans, but the spatula, serving spoons and can opener are lost in the boxes. I refuse to open them all up again. So dinner last night was a little odd. No one

complained though. I think my kids are getting used to this living among boxes, with very little of their stuff.
I have to say that in all of this I've become more thankful than ever that I believe in God. This week at church in one of the lessons the teacher asked the class "Why do you come to church?" I have thought about that alot this week. Her lesson was based on the talk from conference

"Waiting on the Road to Damascus."The talk focuses on the fact that many people do not grow in the church or their testimony because they are waiting for the heavens to open so that they can have a heavenly visitation like Saul. The talk went on to say that most answers to our questions come from whispers from the Spirit, friends in the church, and the Prophets.
As I have reflected on this lesson, I realize how true this is. Many times I go to church with a question, and prayer I want an answer to. The answers usually come from a talk, or lesson given by someone in the church. Even this Sunday during the lesson I was given answers to my

concerns. The teacher said "Sometimes you feel God is not with you during a trial. But once you have been removed from the trial, you see how much he was really there helping. Sometimes it helps to look to your past to see that God is with you." I knew that was so true of my situation. There are moments where I feel alone, and not strong enough. There are moments when I fear that my house will never sell. And then I will think back to other times where I was worried, and see that all worked out well. When I do this it calms me down. It allows me to realize that this to will work out. I have to just take it one day at a time.

Why do I go to church? I go because it helps me grow closer to the Savior and God. It strengthens me for the week ahead. I also receive answers to my prayers at church. So many of my prayers have been answered within the walls of my church. I typically think and ponder all week long on some question for God. And it seems by Sunday he is done with my questioning and gives me my answer. In October I was studying a blessing given to me and kept wondering when will certain things happen. On my drive home the spirit whispered that my family would be moving. I was so

happy for this answer back then. I wish I could still feel that good feeling. Here we are moving, and I know it's the right thing. But it is so much harder than I imagined. This past week I was thinking "Where are you in this God." And he has shown me through this lesson. I'm here, I'm the friends helping you, I'm the people praying for your family. I haven't left you, I'm here, be quiet and see. In the talk President Uchtdorf says " I testify to you that our Father in Heaven loves his children. He loves us. He loves you. When necessary the Lord will even carry you over obstacles as you seek his Peace with a broken heart and a contrite spirit." What peace this brings to me. How thankful I am I go to church each week. How thankful I am to have the Lord to carry me. I know what is spoken in this talk is true. I know that God loves us, and he answers our prayers. I hope you will find this in your life too. Do you like the picture of my cat, in her new travel case?
Do any of you have a suggestion for a good summer book to read? I have to say I've picked three really awful books. I like to read at night, to escape a little. I'm looking for something light and fun. Instead I've picked really bad books. To keep you from making the same poor choice DO NOT READ " Love in Mid Air." It is a waste of paper. Unless you really want to read something really depressing. Definitely don't believe the front cover that says " Astute and engrossing, this debut is a treat." I could not find anything that was a treat in this book. I should have abandoned it. Anyways I'm off to clean and pack.