Here he is "Peter Rabbit"! He has just finished eating one of my plants. I'm not at all happy about this. There is plenty of clover in my yard, so when he sneaks about eating my plants I get very angry. I'm not sure if the plant will make it or not.
I have two garden books that I have been reading. If you have a bug that is eating your plants you might try reading " The organic gardener's handbook of natural insect and disease control." Rodale Garden Books. It tells you plant by plant what diseases and insects could be destroying your garden. My big problem has been Japanese Beatles and the Flea beetle and the June/May beetle. They eat holes in the leaves of plants. I have had the good luck of being able to find them and get rid of them. bugs are easy to get rid of, but little bunnies are not. Bugs really only come out to eat in the evening. Bunnies come out at all different times.
My other book is "The curious gardener's Almanac centuries of practical garden wisdom." by Niall Edworthy. This books is full of little quotes about gardening. It has been fun to read. Here is a quote that I really liked:
" The more one gardens, the more one learns; and the more one learns; the more one realizes how little one knows. I suppose the whole of life is like that."
And isn't that just so. The more you live, the more you realize how little you know and how much more there is to do and learn.
One of my favorite songs about being in a garden is called: " I come to the garden alone" I love the rendition done by Brad Paisley. It is such a beautiful song. I often think about it as I'm quietly working in my garden early in the morning.
Well another week has gone so fast. My daughter has healed from swimmers ear and will be able to finish her swim lessons next week. We have gotten some of our different unemployment issues squared away. My husband has been looking for work and will continue next week. I have been contemplating what places I would like to apply to for work, and I've been finishing my last Vet. Assistant course. I would love to either work in a vet clinic as a receptionist, or at a books store as a book seller. Soon we will see what is available and who will hire me.
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