As a way to get my children out of the house and away from computers, Wii's and DS games I try to take them each morning for a walk at the park near our house. At first they sulk and protest. Once we are there though they enjoy themselves. We first stop behind the Ranger station to look at the fish and turtles. We bring bread to throw in. It is fun to see all the fish go after the bread. We have seen some very big snapping turtles and some very big fish. Most likely Carp. This is a photo of one of the big turtles that we saw.
One morning we saw two fawns. I took a bunch of photo's but only two came out nice. This is one of them.
Here is a photo of "SCAREDY" Squirrel. He is happy up in his tree eating a nut and looking at the view. There are a lot of squirrels at the park.
This is some type of lily. I'll have to check my guide books and see if I can find the proper name. It is just beautiful with the yellow in the inside and deep red color.
Here is a little bird. It was feeding it's baby, but the baby flew away.
Again I need to check my guide book and find out what type of bird.
Here is a Cardinal. I love these birds; they are so beautiful. This is a male, the female has a greener body. They are usually very close to each other.
One thing I have learned is to always take my camera with me. The one time I did not on our Vermont trip I missed a beautiful rainbow over my favorite spot near my parents house. So when ever we head out on a walk, I always take my camera.
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