We just got back from our annual 4th of July camping trip. In years past we went to Ricker Pond in the Vermont Groton State Forest, but this year we went to Aziscohos Maine. On our first day as we took a walk, we saw Moose tracks, talked to people who had just seen a Moose, and then heard the Moose in the woods grunting at us. I would have liked to have seen the Moose, but didn't want to press our luck and have a mad charging Moose.
We took a 6 1/2 mile hike by the dead diamond river. We did a lot of tubing. The kids did a lot of biking. It was a wonderful trip. We had a great time and I got lots of great photo's. I'll have to put more on as the days go by. I've printed out a few of the wild life photo's to make into thank you cards. I have some beautiful pink pond Lillie photo's, and some great photo's of butterflies. The butterflies were everywhere. One got onto my inner tube and rode on it from where we get out of the water all the way to where we were camping. That was a cool experience.
Now that I am home it is time to apply for unemployment, get my resume finished, and figure out what my future job hope is. Well I beat my husband on our race to be unemployed, but not by much. He called his boss today, and was told that he no longer has a job. So we will be filing for unemployment quite close to each other. I will keep you posted on the whole how unemployment works.
A book that I picked up and have been reading is "One Day At a Time" By Danielle Steel. I have always liked her books, my mom is also a big fan. I think I picked it up due to the title though. It so goes with my life. I'm taking it one day at a time. Wasn't there a TV show called that too? The book is very much a "Romance" type novel. I have quite a few books lined up to read. I'll put more in about them later.
Today on Aol find a job I saw a great article called : "Slow Love: Can You Lose Your Job and Find Happiness? It is actually an article that is written about a book by Dominique Browning. The article talks about the steps you might take once losing your job. I think my husband and I will both be reading this one. The book by Dominique Browning is titled " Slow Love: How I lost My Job, put on my Pajamas and found Happiness." It reminds me of what one of the teachers said after they lost their job this year .." my commute next year will be from my bedroom to my kitchen." It was a great article with some good points. One is to just take some time to yourself before you start your job search. So you get a break and really have time to think about what you want to do. I guess that is where my husband and I are. We are at the break, and isn't it nice that it's summer. I just now have to remember to focus just on the day.
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