Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sunburn equals the end of our beach trip.

On day three of our beach vacation we got up 
and made the sunrise!

The gulls were happy to wake up with the sun.

Little bird enjoying their first sunrise.

Just beautiful.

It’s just so beautiful.

Then we walked the boardwalk to the food shack.
Someone is feeling very sunburned.

This sign is something that my 
Husband has been pondering since our vacation.
He must live in perpetual summer because 
His hair has grown very light.

I think this sign might be something 
That came about due to the pandemic.
Jesus and germs are everywhere.

My very yummy breakfast. 

So my husband got so much sun
That he didn’t want to spend the whole day 
at the beach. So we started the 
Drive back to Somerville.
We stopped at a park that he had gone to when he was 
A child.

He is very interested in this big engine.

Time to find a new hotel and get ready to 
go home.


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