Saturday, June 29, 2024

Goal planning for July.


I fell off the wagon for goal planning last month and I gained 4 pounds 😑.  Next week starts a new month. Tomorrow starts a new week. I am going to be better.  

I have been doing really well with my exercise routine and I am going to keep working on it and try to make my workouts more vigorous. I have started to do weights for my arms and stretching after exercising. 
My other goal is to eat healthier. I have learned so far that what I like to eat is not as healthy for me as I thought.
My goal is to eat fruits and vegetables at every meal.
I am also going to try and drink one glass of water 30 minutes before each meal. I will work up to drinking 2 glasses of water by the end of the month. 
I’m also trying to listen to calming music and read from more spiritually focused books.
Do you have any goals for July?

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