Sunday, March 18, 2018

Mom of a Missionary.....E-Mails from Mexico January 29,2018

Hey! The mission is about change!

Hello, family and friends.

This week has been a strange rollercoaster ride. Finally, I'm feeling more abundantly the Holy Ghost, learning how to listen to him. learning how to be my own missionary... and wow! It's been a weird week!

In terms of missionary work, well, we finally invited investigators to baptism this week! It's been the first invitation I've made in three months! And it doesn't look like they were too interested because they didn't join us at church yesterday \uD83D\uDE10.
Perhaps they need more time. We're scrambling to find people to teach but it appears that we're still in some sort of rut. Granted, we're doing much, much better than before! We're putting an emphasis on teaching The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ because it's the message that makes our church different! 
Lots of other churches share beliefs with us (because they liked what they saw and took parts of our doctrine and put it in their churches, example, the belief that The Father, and The Son, and The Holy Ghost are three, separate beings). 
This is why we preach The Restoration and revelation and prophets, that the people of Mexico be not tossed about to and fro with every wind of doctrine.

In the meantime, I've been working on change! Changing who I am, what I can do, what I can become! The mission is the best place to change, because not only are we separated from the rest of the world, but we're living the Gospel in a way that is much, much more closer to Christ! 
The mission is like a cocoon! It's a stage of metamorphosis where we become better and, well, more converted to the Gospel! We enter as mere caterpillars and leave as... uh, butterflies? Well, not exactly butterflies but you get the point.

I've been hearing a lot about the changes that take place on the mission. One Elder told me that when we get back, if we haven't changed or make no effort to change, we come back three times more what we were before. 

Three times more pre-mission Jacob?? Oh no, I certainly don't want that. I was a lazy man that did nothing but goof off and play videogames. I don't want to be three times more of that! 
I'm keeping progress and track of some of the changes I'm feeling. I'm not going to be the same person I was before when I get back. You can count on that. 

So, I am a bit spooked for what the future holds, but I'll be sure to make the best of what I've got left! Yeah!

Love you all! Miss you loads, and I hope you're all doing great out there!

-Elder Bowlby

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