Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Did you know that if you get a degree in fashion design you could get a job dressing the mannequins at a retail store.  I actually think that this would be a cool job!  I sometimes envy our "Visual Specialist."
She spends her day dressing the Mannequins. Believe it or not mannequins get dressed and undressed often in big retail's a full time job!  I'm the type of person that if I want to buy some new clothes the first place I look to get ideas from in a store is the Mannequin.  This way I have an idea of what goes well together.

There are also a lot of people who shop that do this too...Sometimes the problem is that the size that the customer wants is the size that is on the mannequin...most of the time unfortunately we don't have more left in the store....My job is to undress the mannequins for customers....Well that's one of my many jobs..

Mannequins are pretty expensive, and only certain people are allowed to dress and undress them...There are certain ones that only the Visual Supervisor is allowed to touch.  So if an employee tells you they can't take those desperately wanted leggings off the mannequin, believe them...leave your name and number and you will eventually get those leggings that you want, usually the next day...leaving in a huff will get you no where...
The other day while trying to undress a mannequin for a customer, I had to call for help, she was just too much for me...The person who came to help said.."you look like you are dancing with the mannequin"...and I thought that would be a fun blog post..  I actually like looking at store mannequins, there are so  many cool displays out there.  Perhaps I'll go back to school, get a fashion design degree and apply to dress the Mannequins.... It might be fun....Well for a while.....The one thing I have learned is.. that really tight dress that looks so good on the very fit mannequin....really doesn't look good on anyone I've undressed and dressed the same mannequin often..
Hope you enjoyed this little post about my life in retail...
Do you look at the mannequins when you go to buy new clothes?

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