Monday, May 24, 2010

There was an old lady who swallowed a.......

I have asked many people lately, did you read the book " There was an old lady who swallowed a Fly.?" Many have looked at me as if I'm crazy, but I remember this book from when I was young. The first line goes: "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly, I don't know why she swallowed a fly, perhaps she'll die." She goes on to swallow bigger and bigger animals until she swallows a horse and then she dies of course. The book is one where the main character gets larger and larger. Some of the books show all the animals in the woman's stomach and other's just show her getting large. I always have to laugh when I read this book. It is just so silly and unreal. Yet the other day I thought, you know there are those people who have that eating disorder where they have to have all their food locked up. Maybe the original author knew someone like that.

I had always thought that that was the only story like this but I have found, as I go through the books that the old women are eating all sorts of things. One book I found was " There was an old Lady who swallowed a trout." She ends up swallowing the whole ocean.

There is also " I know an old Lady who swallowed a pie" This has a thanksgiving theme to it.

And there is " There was a cold Lady who swallowed a some snow" This one makes a snow person at the end.

Pretty much they all make me giggle. Just because you have to think, my gosh what will she swallow next and how is this going to end?

There is also one that has the objects decrease it's called " Joseph had a little overcoat." His over coat continues to shrink. I think kids like these silly books. So if you have young kids go to your library and get one. You might find that it makes you laugh too.

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