In the past few weeks the Librarian at the school has been teaching the children about Fiction and Non-Fiction books. He has used the book Elmer by David Mckee to teach about fiction books and then he reads a non-fiction book about elephants to the children. Elmer is a patch work elephant. He is all the colors of the rainbow. In the book he wants to look just like the other elephants. You will have to read it to find out how it ends.
While working on changing the labels on the books I found a great fiction elephant book, "Stand Back, said the elephant, I'm going to Sneeze." By Patricia Thomas. The elephant tells all the different animals he is going to sneeze and they all ask him not to and tell what happened the last time he sneezed. It is just really fun to read.
I can not believe that I have only 17 more days to work in the library. The days seem to go faster and faster as the end approaches. I'd like to just slow everything down. I have tried very hard to enjoy every day that I have had left. I have read tons of children's books. I know that over the summer I will continue to read children's books and larger chapter books. In the August I will start my new job search. The first step will be taking some resume lessons at the Raritan library. Then putting together some cover letters, and then applying first to the places I'd really like to work and then to the ones that I know I could work at if I had too. But in July I'm just going to relax. I also have one more Vet Assistant class that I'm taking.
Today is so Hot. I need to go back and read "Hotter than a Hot Dog!"
The top photo's are of the Elmer project we do at my library. One side of the elephant is Elmer the other side is the Non-fiction elephant. If you would like a copy of the coloring page let me know I have one.
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