Monday, March 10, 2025

Cartoon Kimberly.

My son is an artist. Every year I get a nice drawing 
From him.  It’s nice that he will make something fun for me.
The above drawing is my getting personal rays of inspiration.

He is slowly making this cool alphabet book for me. 
Do you have a place you can go to and relax away from the craziness of the world?  This is my Kim bubble.

Me out birding.

This is me as a Pokemon trainer.  My car is a Pokemon.

This is me at work, my favorite superhero “ frying pan woman.” She hits people in the head with a frying pan.
Wildlife photographer.

This is me with my new cat, being visited by our cat who has crossed over the rainbow bridge.

At work I make lots of balloons. So I am floating away and my cat is trying to keep me from flying away.

This is a drawing I saw that I liked. I like the wild hair and hat.

I colored this picture. I can imagine myself looking like this. When I was young.


Monday, March 3, 2025

Bird nerd, the birds at my feeder.

How is it March? Sorry I haven’t written in awhile,
Work has been busy and I got sick. 
Here are some of the birds visiting the bird feeder the last two months.
Above is a Northern flicker. 

Lesser gold finch 



Dark eyed Junco

House finch


Downy wood pecker.
We have done some fun birding trips.
Hopefully I will get them in here soon.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Tiny steps to tidiness.

My house is in a state of disorder that at moments can be overwhelming.  My new thought on getting control of this disorder is to take tiny steps to tidiness.  

Each day I focus on cleaning and organizing things in a small way.  Each day I get rid of a few things in the most cluttered room.

Hopefully by the end of 2025 I will have a more organized house.  Free of clutter.


My word clouds for the last two weeks.

Here are my word clouds for the last two weeks.

I like the puzzle piece shape.
Do you think of the words that make up your week?


The goal I failed at, coloring a whole adult coloring book.

 One of my goals last year was to color a whole coloring book. I failed. I think one of the books has three completed pages.  The others have some completed pages, but I did not finish any of them. I’m going to bring them to work and see if any of my coworkers would like them.  I have realized that I don’t have time to color these coloring books.  Maybe it’s just not what I like to do when I am home and want to relax.

In my goal of decluttering these books are something that are going away.

I did get a monthly planner that has coloring pages, so I will use that when I feel like coloring. 

Do you have any goals from last year that you didn’t complete?


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The peacock, my pick of the day.

Today I picked the peacock. 

I like that it talks about inner and outer beauty.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Oracle pick for today… the stork

The stork was my bird pick for the day.
Find ways to awaken your inner artist. 
Well I ordered a monthly calendar that is a coloring book.
But that is so I will get rid of all my coloring books. 
I know that doesn’t make sense does it.

My inner photographer is hoping for a warm day 
So I can go birding.

These birds are from my backyard.