Friday, July 12, 2024

Dinosaurs in the garden causes the loss of tranquility.

I used to walk the Thanksgiving Point
gardens every week in the summer. It was a 
place I could go and relax and soak 
in the beauty of nature.
The last few years though 
the summer theme for the garden 
has been dinosaurs.

I know this must boost how many people 
visit the garden with their children.
For the person like me who wants 
to escape the busy world and 
find a peaceful place in nature it
has made it less of a place I
want to visit.

To avoid the crowds, I walk the
Opposite way of the Dinosaur trail.
You can still enjoy seeing beautiful flowers.
The quiet is gone.
There are dinosaur noises pretty much everywhere.

I used to leave feeling refreshed.
Enjoying silence and nature.

Seeing my favorite summer flowers.

Little bird likes flowers.

It was a peaceful hour, 
that I looked forward to.

Kind of weird looking green bugs.

There are some spots that are dinosaur free.

The flower beds are still very beautiful.

I enjoyed the 70’s themed garden.

All the flowers my mother planted.

This spot was quiet, due to the lack of 

I like the big ball decorations.

I think having this car would be fun.

The secret garden was also dinosaur free.

I will go again, early in the morning because there are 
less people. What used to be a favorite place 
In my opinion has now become a tourist attraction.
I will have to look for new gardens to explore.
I think if I had young dinosaur crazy children 
this would be a great escape, but that is 
just not what I am looking for.
Do you have a place that you used to love visiting 
that has changed and now you need to find a new place?


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