Friday, July 19, 2024

My little birding year, July’s count.


Here are my bird photos for this year. 
Meadow lark.

Red winged black bird.

Chukar. These live near where I work.
So the photo is not great.

Osprey. This was on our New Jersey trip.

Mute Swan. Also from our New Jersey trip.

Hooded gulls. New Jersey.

Eastern blue bird. New Jersey.

Great Egret. New Jersey.

Piliated woodpecker. This is not my photo.
We did see them in New Jersey. 

Cardinal. This is not my photo. Also a bird we
Saw in New Jersey.

Lazuli Bunting.  

Turkey vulture. Utah. We did see these in New Jersey too.

Black-crowned night heron.

American avocet.

White faced Ibis.

Snowy egret.

Brown headed cow bird.

Tree swallow.

Long billed curlew.

Yellow head black bird.

Black-necked stilt.



Spotted Sand piper.

American Robin.

Western kingbird.

Clarks grebe.

European starling.

Cassin’s Finch

Mallard duck.

Mourning dove.

Female Brewers black bird.

American gold finch.

Great blue heron.


Red-breasted Nuthatch.

Brewer’s black bird.

Say’s Phoebe.

Black necked grebe. 

Sandhill cranes.

American Coot.

Eurasian collard dove.

Double- crested cormorant.


Canvasback duck.

Canadian goose.


Black-headed Grosbeak.

Cooper’s Hawk.

American dipper.

Cedar waxwing.

Song sparrow.

Belted kingfisher.

Downy woodpecker.

Blue Jay. New Jersey.

Red-bellied woodpecker. New Jersey.

Fish crow. New Jersey.

Grey catbird.

Great black-backed gull.

Northern flicker.

Hairy woodpecker. New Jersey.
American white pelican.

House sparrow.

Western grebe.

Swedish blue duck.

Northern Harrier.

Northern shoveler.

Ruddy duck 

Andean goose 

Bald eagle.

Redhead duck 

Common golden eye.

American kestrel.

Franklins’s gull.

Bank swallow.

Tundra swan.
Cliff swallow.

Last but not least, little adventure bird.
The birding app. Say’s adventure bird is zebra finch.
So far 78 birds and I have only been in two states.
I think I have seen more. I will update again in August.
Happy birding.