Monday, March 1, 2021

February 2021 Bird watching walks. Hawks, and Herons and Coots...

The last few weeks I have had some chances to go on
a few nice long walks and do some bird watching.

These first few photos are actually ones I took from
my house.  We get a few different birds
at our bird feeders.

I feed the birds so the cat can have some entertainment.
I actually think my cat might be afraid of the birds.

Some people don't like the Magpie, I like them.
They are fun to watch.

We have not seen a beaver out and about.
We have seen a lot of chewed up trees.
Beavers are the second largest rodent in the United States.

I wonder if a beaver has an insatiable urge to always be
chewing something.  Do they ever get slivers in their mouths?

I'm not sure what this little bird is, but it sure is cute.

Mallard ducks must not migrate. 
What a pretty color green.

I love having a weekly walking date with my husband.
This is in American Fork Canyon.

Here is one of the doves that likes to hang out around our house.

One of our favorite places to walk is the Farmington bay bird refuge.

This is where the Blue Heron nest.

It is fun to go and watch them.

Here they are a little closer with using my zoom lens.

Others walk around the bottom of the nesting site.

It looks like it might walk the plank. 
Today we also saw some pelicans fly over,
I had never heard a pelican call before. 
It was really cool to watch them fly and listen to them.

There are lots of people out bird watching.
This guy just stood under the tree where the hawk was.
I think he wanted to get a photo of it flying.

The geese are so noisy!  We actually
sat and watch a group of them fighting.

It is interesting all the different sounds they make.
I wouldn't want one to decide it was mad at me.

I don't think this hawk is very afraid of humans.

It seemed to like to sit and pose for photos.

More beaver activity.
It actually has built a dam further up the water way.

These are American Coots. 

They have really big ugly feet!

I believe this is a northern shoveler duck.  

He was a bit too far away for me to get a nice photo.

Well hope you enjoyed seeing the birds.
I really enjoy going out and seeing the different wild life in Utah.
It puts my animal science degree to some use.
I love seeing animals and then going home and reading about what I saw.


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